Feedback from People with Lived Experience
Nominations Due November 1, 2016
The increase of homelessness in Metro’s transit system continues to challenge the agency, resulting in the need for more collaboration and coordination. With the adoption of County and City of Los Angeles strategies to address homelessness this year, Metro recognizes the need to address homelessness in and around the transit system that will align with County and City of Los Angeles priorities. Metro is creating a strategic plan to develop a coordinated and comprehensive approach that maintains a safe and clean environment for patrons while connecting homeless persons in the transit system to services and resources. Metro has engaged Communities in Motion to lead and coordinate the strategic planning process that will involve comprehensive community and stakeholder engagement.
On November 18 and December 9, we held focus group sessions to gain feedback and input from people with lived homeless experience, representing diverse perspective, experiences and demographics. They provided substantive input into Metro’s interest in developing a comprehensive and effective approach to homeless outreach and engagement. This process taught us many important things, reminding us that homeless policies and programs need to be from the bottom-up, involving people with lived homeless experience.
Our interactive, intense and dynamic sessions created a space for participants to listen to each other, as well as be authentic and honest.